PowerCLI - Rescan HBAs for a Cluster on a Host by Host Basis
After having some bad luck with rescanning HBAs for entire clusters or datacenters all at the same time (Cliff’s Notes: the LUNs ended up looking like array based snapshots and therefore unusable), it was decided that any rescans should be done on an individual host basis. Below is the script I created to achieve this goal.
When you run the script, it will ask for the Cluster name so you don’t have to modify the code.
#Rescan HBAs for a cluster on a host by host basis
$InputCluster = Read-Host "Cluster Name" $vmhosts = get-cluster
$InputCluster | get-vmhost
foreach ($i in $vmhosts) {
Write-Host "Starting rescan of all HBAs on $i"
$i | Get-VMHostStorage -RescanAllHba | Out-Null
Write-Host "Rescan of all HBAs on $i is complete"
Write-Host ""
Note: this was a script that worked in my environment. There is no warranty or support with this script, please use at your own risk.